Sunday, November 9, 2008

Uniquely Singapore - Part 2

Marina Barrage is a brand new attraction in this island country. A reservoir along the coast. Caught this artist's imagination at the Barrage -

Added a bit of my imagination(if you observe closely you may find me in it). The over-populated world -

This fellow was having jolly time at Labrador Park -

And this beauty took some chasing -


Anonymous said...

How did u get rid of the Woman in the second pic... man u r a women repeller... :)

kidding bro... very well done... i must say ur marriage with the camera is working out beautifully. :)

Anusha Ramanathan said...

Overpoulated Earth!!!!!! Frankly dude manipulate this one if you want that message to come across. The earth looks like a lovely piece of heaven to retire to in your artistic imagination.

The first one looks alarming though:) and yet fun. :)

Happy hunting.

Anonymous said...

Brilliant :)

Heman - What a name! I know, but let it be said...

This is amazing photography man! Absolutely spell-bound by the 2nd pic. How did you manage to isolate the earth? Or is it a different model?

R!tesh said...

Kewl pics.... dude..!! gr8 job